

About the programme

Sharing and developing our distinctive expertise through exchanges, mentoring, teaching and research.

Through the Exchange programme, we share and develop Coney’s unique creative practice. We work in partnership with artists, researchers, drama schools, theatre organisations and the playmaking community. We have shared our interactive theatre-making specialty at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, Arts University Bournemouth, Mountview, Rose Bruford College, and State Institute of Performing Arts in St Petersburg.

We work in partnership with researchers; current academic partners include UCL, University of Bath Spa and Goethe-Institut. Coney also collaborates frequently with research associate Dr. Astrid Breel. Together, we are developing more robust frameworks for designing, evaluating and communicating impact.

Coney also exchanges best practice for playful-change-making with other makers in our Guild of playmakers and our wider network, hosting events for makers to connect and play. We regularly offer workshops especially in interactive practice for makers from under-represented backgrounds and geographies.